
Sunday, July 22, 2007

ProPoSaL FoR BasKetBalL CourT & VoLLeYBalL CourT RePaiRinG!!

Organizing Committee

Organizing Chairperson: Leo Lee Yee Chern

Asst. Organizing Chairperson: Leo Lam Ai Ping

Project Details

Date: 28th July 2007 to 29th July 2007 ( Satuday & Sunday )

Time: 28th July 2007 ( 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. ) , 29th July 2007 ( 8.00 a.m. – 12.00p.m.)

Venue: School Field ( Basketball & Volleyball Court )


- To repair & repaint the basketball & volleyball court.

- To build up team work amongs members involved.

- To increase leadership & gain experience.

Project Further Details

- On 27th July, masking tapes will be used to mark the lines on the court for painting purposes.

- We will clean up the basketball & volleyball court on 27th July to prepare for the painting work on the next day, 28th July 2007.

- The basketball backboard will be fixed on 28th July 2007.

- The lines will be marked using orange colour paint .

This project will be done together with the Basketball Club of S.M.K USJ 4. The cost will be divided into 3 shares. 50% of the cost will be paid by the student that is responsible on the & two shares of 25% will be paid by Leo Club & the Basketball Club.

* this project has been confirmed *
For any further details please contact the O.C at 019-2664521 or email :

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