
Sunday, November 12, 2006

PorT DicksoN TriP!!

There will be a port dickson trip on

Date: 6-8th of December 2006 (3days 2nights)
Price: RM170 incuding hotel
+ food (1st night dinner not provide)
+ transport

Confirmation and payment by Tuesday!!
Anyone interested can contact Victoria Pang...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Porposal For 'Paint Me Colourfully' Project Joint With Basketball Club

Organizing Committee
Organizing Chairperson: Leo Taryna Khoo
Secretary: Leo Michelle Ho
Treasurer: Leo Lam Ai Ping
Member Involve: 5 Leo's which are Leo Taryna Khoo, Leo Carmen Kong, Leo Lam Ai Ping, Leo Eunice Chang and Leo Cheah Yee Ling. 5 Basketball Club Members, which are Hwei Xian, Li Jean, Rui Mien, Ling Hui and Yu Yang

Project Details
Venue: SMK USJ 4 Basketball Court
Time: 8am onwards
Date: August 21st till 24th

- To follow up with the maintenance of the basketball court
- To gain closer fellowship among members from different clubs
- To gain leadership experience

Project Further Details
- Paint will be sponsored by one of the Leo member's parents
- Painting brushes will be provided by members
- This project will be held during school holidays
- This project is pending for approval from the school

*This project has been confirmed*
For any enquiries please contact me at 017-8708099/016-3826743 - Leo Trayna Khoo

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

General Meeting

there is a general meeting next friday (18th of August 2006) at 5S's class
those getting install must attend!!

Region 5 South n North leo club installation rehearsal

Installation Rehearsal

Venue: Sri Sedaya school hall
Time: 3.30pm-6pm
Date: 12th of August 2006
Attire: any T-shirt n Pantz

Those getting install please come for the rehearsal... =D

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Region 5 South n North leo club joint installation

The joint installation would involve the following clubs :

leo club of Sri KL
leo club of SMK USJ 4
leo club of SMK USJ8
leo club of SMK La Salle PJ
leo club of SMK Subang Jaya
leo club of SMK Subang Utama
leo club of SMK Batu Lapan
leo club of SMK Seafiled

Venue: Sri Sedaya school hall
Time :1.30pm - 6pm
Date: 19th of August 2006
Price: rm12
Attire: semi formal/club uniform

Anybody interested can contact any of the incoming BOD listed below

ThE 1sT Le0 CluB OF SMK USJ 4 BloG!!

hey.. this is the leo club of smk usj 4 blog..
anyway welcome.. =)

Incoming B.O.D 2006/2007
PresidenT - Leo Victoria Pang
016-3667006 (
VicE PresidenT - Leo Jenny Chan
017-3522570 (
SecretarY - Leo Michelle Ho
012-6388209 (
ASST. SecretarY - Leo Beverly Ho
TreasureR - Leo Deidre Ong
012-2166883 (
FundinG DirectoR - Leo Pang Rhae Yaenn
012-2451661 (
ASST. FundinG DirectoR - Leo Lee Mei Jean
016-3173017 (
CommunitY SeR. DiR - Leo Carmen Kong
016-6984007 (
SchooL SeR. DiR - Leo Taryna Khoo
016-3826743 (
ASST School SeR. Dir - Leo Lam Ai Ping
016-3680863 (
MembershiP DirectoR - Leo Sim Wie
016-8524532 (
EditoR - Leo Christoper Lim
016-6569490 (
TailtwisteR - Leo Ponessha
012-6637989 (

Outgoing B.O.D 2005/2006
PresidenT - Leo Kent Lee
VicE PresidenT - Leo Amelia Ho
SecretarY - Leo Goh E-laine
ASST. SecretarY - Leo Michelle Ho
TreasureR - Leo Heap Choy Hung
FundinG DirectoR - Leo Jenny Chan
CommunitY SeR. DiR - Leo Victoria Pang
SchooL SeR. Dir - Leo Deidre Ong
MembershiP DirectoR - Leo Pang Rhae Yaenn
I.U DirectoR - Leo Dwayne Tan
EditoR - Leo Melody Oei
TailtwisteR - Leo Taryna Khoo