We did our LEO Pledge followed by LEO Song.
For the meeting we updated all LEO members about:
-LEO Camp
After the updates, we played a game call THE SQUEEZE.
Basically, the members were divided into 2 lines and held hands with the person next to them.
So, the game master will be at the starting point of one end and initiates the countdown by squeezing the first persons hand. The game is the squeeze has to be passed to the next person in the line consecutively.
There will be 2 people at the end of each line .
Once it reaches the last person, the person has to run to the beginning and pass through our human barriers (beloved BOD members) and get the ball from one of our LEO BOD who is holding it. Each time a person gets the ball first, they score a point for their team. The game point was 5. And the winner gets to punish the losers to do anything. The losers ended up doing MISSIPPI
Picture can be seen here : http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.298690553525861.68829.100001547562461&type=1#!/media/set/?set=a.298690553525861.68829.100001547562461&type=1
Please follow FOURIAN LEOS on twitter : fourianleo
so yes it was a very successful and fun GM !
Donovan Foong